1ST37.ZIP 226,448 12-13-93 1st&Goal Fantasy Football v3.07; Runs aFantasy Football league for up to 15teams.Teams compete based on the performanceof the actual NFL players of their choice.Can be played for "big bucks or "just forfun". Compata
AC120.ZIP 140,463 12-12-93 AEROCHART v1.2; Exercise Charting andMotivation Program- Aerobic exercise logbookGraphs and reviews track daily, monthly, andyearly progress. Supports groups.Calculates Cooper Aerobic Points and calorieexpended (45
ALBM710.ZIP 259,284 04-22-93 AlbumMaster v7.1; Helping you *Master yourAlbum Library. There is no substitute forthe real thing! Max flexibility, 3 userdefined fields per title, UNLIMITED Tunes peside. Out puts to printer/screen/file.Labels
AVIATORD.ZIP 117,272 10-02-93 Aviation calculator for Hours:Minutes,Gallons-Pounds-Tons etc. (For Dos).
BJ241.ZIP 167,893 11-14-93 BLACKJACK! 2.41d; If you're looking for thefinest way to learn Blackjack look no more..you have found it! Basic strategy & Cardcounting drills - Strategy error tracking &reporting - User defined card counting syste-
BOWL101O.ZIP 223,043 07-01-93 BOWL101O v12.2; A User friendly BowlingLeague managment program. Configurable tomost scoring systems. Easy data entry, aminute a team and the computer does the rest1-4 games, Team handicap/individual handicapDiffere
CASM811.ZIP 263,410 04-22-93 CassetteMaster 8.11; Helping you *Master youCassette library.The BeZt tape cataloger onthe market! Max flexibility,3 user definedfields per title, up to 51 lines of Tunes peside. Out puts to printer/ screen/ file.A
CDM801.ZIP 342,291 09-19-93 CDMaster v8.01; Helping you *Master your CDLibrary.It does what other catalogers onlydream of! Max flexibility (3 user definedfields per title, 2 per tune). UNLIMITEDTunes per title. Out puts to printer/screen/ fi
CDR2.ZIP 268,325 04-26-93 COMPUTER DARKROOM II v2.00\-Reduce the costof photographic printing. Make one test prinonly. COMPUTER DARKROOM will calculate thenew exposure time for changes in f-stop,magnification, paper type, contrast grade orfi
CHS.ZIP 56,894 07-23-93 The 'official' Callaway handicap system
CLT23A.ZIP 147,843 04-21-93 THE COLLECTOR v2.3 [1/2]; The Collector issports card collection management tool. Itsdesign and operation is tailored to fit thespecific needs of beginning and serious cardcollectors.
CLT23B.ZIP 165,763 04-21-93 THE COLLECTOR v2.3 [/2/2]; The Collector isa sports card collection management tool. Itdesign and operation is tailored to fit thespecific needs of beginning and serious cardcollectors.
CREST230.ZIP 314,828 11-05-93 CAR RESTORATION DIARY v2.3; Database programto keep track of expenses and time spentwhile restoring vintage cars. It will alsomaintain a database of parts dealers, carshows, swap meets, etc. Includes anappointment c
CSJ3F.ZIP 106,660 12-15-93 C A N S Sports Journal v3F; REQUIRES C A Nv1.5 or better. Database of complete sports1993 schedules for major league baseball,football, hockey and basketball, collegiatedivision I football and basketball (mens).
DBCOIN.ZIP 239,711 07-23-93 dBCoin for DOS v1.0; A coin collectioninventory system designed for the hobbyist.Information about each coin can include:country, catalog number, mint year,denomination, grade, purchase date, cost,market value and n
DDATA_45.ZIP 118,127 09-14-93 Diamond Data v4.5; Complete baseball andsoftball statistics tracking package. 34stats are maintained for batters, fielders(each position seperately), and pitchers. 9stats for games are maintained. Databasescan be
DEERHU42.ZIP 145,759 12-31-93 THE DEER EXPERT v4.2; Program which containsHunting patterns and techniques as well as ahunting log system. OUTDOOR LIFE recommendsthe program in Dec. 89 issue. You inputconditions you hunt under and program givespr
DOSATS4.ZIP 123,033 11-02-93 The complete NFL weekly statistics, brokendown by AFC, NFC, AND NFL.
DT_171.ZIP 260,987 08-22-93 DiscTrak System v1.71; Home EntertainmentCataloging Database program. This program caorganize all of your CDs, Cassettes, Albums,LaserDiscs, and VCR Tapes easily. Search foany song title, Star, Director and MUCH MOR
ENLGR121.ZIP 48,697 02-21-94 ENLarGeR exposure calculator. Performsdarkroom exposure calculations based onmeasured and desired changes in parameters.
FB37.ZIP 210,348 12-13-93 FastBreak Fantasy Basketball v3.07; Runs aFantasy Basketball league for up to 15 teamsTeams compete based on the performance of thactual NBA players of their choice. Can beplayed for "big bucks or "just for fun".Com
FISHEX32.ZIP 141,996 12-31-93 THE FISH EXPERT v3.2; Program which containsfishing patterns and techniques as well as afishing log system. OUTDOOR LIFE recommendsthe program in March 91 issue. You inputconditions you fish under and program givesp
FSHTME22.ZIP 59,937 01-25-94 FISHTIME.EXE v2.2; Program to predict themost favorable times to hunt and fish basedon the position and phase of the moon as welas the time of day for any loca- tion in thecontinental United States. Output is anon-s
GLFHCP34.ZIP 64,909 01-25-94 GOLFHCAP.EXE v3.4; Program to facilitatescorekeeping and the calculation of theplayers Golf Handicap Index in accor- dancewith the new Slope System. The program willalso print Membership Lists, Labels, HandicaIndex
GOLFLG9D.ZIP 229,988 03-09-94 GolfLog v9.0d; The Golfer's database.Maintain stats for 8 Golfers, 50 Courses,2000 Games. Determines HANDICAP INDEX andCOURSE HANDICAP. Provides Summary for eachGolfer showing 30+ stats. Keeps scorecardfor each g
GOLFTS11.ZIP 174,881 10-16-93 GOLF TOURNAMENT SCOREKEEPER v1.1; Calculatesgross and net scores with a choice ofhandicapping methods. Outputs a sorted leadeboard to screen or printer. Allows up to 10separate flights and team play including besba
GSTR11.ZIP 284,308 11-18-93 GS TROOP TRACKER v1.1; Menu-driven programwhich stores roster, participation, Unitoffices, Achievements earned. Produces Girland Leader rosters, and a roster of FormerMembers, 3 type of mailing labels, anindividual
JEANIUS.ZIP 903,439 12-31-93 JEANIUS SPORTSCARD INV. SYSTEM v4.0; Fullfeatured sports card system with featuressuch as full team su pport, rookie, goalie,error, premium, first card, last card flags,four sport categories plus custom,comprehnsive
KCF103.ZIP 248,517 12-13-93 KeyBoard Coach Fantasy Football v3.05; RunsFantasy Football league for up to 12teams.Teams compete head to head based on thperformance of the actual NFL players oftheir choice.Compatable with USA Today SportCenter d
LED220SW.ZIP 597,577 03-07-94 LOUDSPEAKER ENCLOSURE DESIGNER (LED) v2.20Generates up to 3 discrete sophisticatedspeaker/enclosure models using widely available Thiele-Small parameters. Models are displayed with richly colored graphs. LED re-qu
LOTOBUST.ZIP 308,209 04-19-93 Lotto Buster: Includes Canadian and AmericanVers. Beat the odds and win the cash!
LOTTOF.ZIP 110,253 07-01-93 FLOTTO v4.0; The fast lottery program! Playany Pick 3-4-5-6-7 lottery game. PowerfulWheeling up to 50 numbers - Complete & readymade minimum win wheels. Does Random &Filtered Quick Picks. Calculates all odds.Track
LOTTOT.ZIP 326,371 07-05-93 Lotto Thunder v1.2 (for PICK-6 lotto's) is acomplete lotto prediction and number systemsprogram. Has three completely differentmethods of predicting lotto numbers. Wheelsystems up to 54 numbers, multiple levelpredic
LTST01.ZIP 101,239 11-17-93 LOTTO STAT v2.50; Analyzes Data If you'regoing to play - why not play smart? LottoStat is unique in finding the expectedresults from the lottery definition. Throughanalysis and artistry the user improves thewinning
MBTR30.ZIP 291,937 11-19-93 MERIT BADGE TRACKER v3.0; Program whichstores Merit Badge Counselor data and theMerit Badges and/or any other skills that aspecific counselor is registered to counsel.Will generate administrative Counselorrosters, a
MLRPRI25.ZIP 124,354 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Private Library v2.5;Lets you catalog your home books, records,tapes, etc. You can sort and print yourrecords. A powerful search function findsyour input strings in any of three fields.Runs from
NCAABLM1.ZIP 114,598 03-08-94 Designed for use with the men's NCAABasketball Tournament. There are 64 teamscompeting in 63 games divided into 6 rounds.This program was designed to make the task oentering the 63 selections for each player tbe as
NFL20.ZIP 132,093 09-01-93 THE POOL MANAGER v2.0; Football PoolDatabase/Organizer. Runs 8 different poolsfor up to 120 participants. Easy to use.Calculates and prints weekly results andkeeps season long statistics for a year endpayout. Pro
PAR-CALC.ZIP 30,599 07-24-93 PAR-CALC --- Excellent program to calculatemoney line parlays. Maximum 7 play parlay.Supports lines from -300 to +300. Veryconvenient for baseball and hockey parlays.
PFEDGE93.ZIP 306,017 08-15-93 Pro FootBall Edge v2.0 1993/94: Handicap andtrack the NFL. Computer Pick 5 year resultsSpread Winners 440-291 60% Totals 303-17364%. 9 matchup screens per game! 10 YearDatabase and 1993 schedule provided. Statsen
PKTR30.ZIP 333,917 08-31-93 PACK TRACKER v3.0; Menu-driven program whichstores roster, participation, Unit offices,Badges earned. Produces Scout, Den andScouter rosters, and a roster of FormerMembers, 3 types of mailing labels, anindividual re
PROP190.ZIP 165,289 01-11-94 PROP OPTIMIZER v1.90; Aircraft propellerdesign and performance- Designs aircraftpropellers and automatically optimizesaircraft performance for maximum cruise andclimb. Computes the best propeller diameter,blade size
RRTR10.ZIP 320,735 09-02-93 RANGER TRACKER v1.0; A menu-driven databasesystem storing roster, participation, officeheld, Merits earned. Produces Ranger,Commander and Patrol rosters, 3 types ofmailing labels, an individual record andother usefu
S3CARD10.ZIP 221,198 11-20-93 S3 Simple Card v1.0; Trading card databaseprogram designed for use with floppy drivesystems. It will work on two 360K drives (obigger). GUI interface, Mouse support and EMsupport.
SB51.ZIP 222,533 12-01-93 StatTrak v5.1; Baseball/Softball statmanagement system for up to 100 teams. Trackbatting, pitching, fielding, won/lost recordgame results, and team standings. You canname additional categories and up to 7 gametypes.
SCBASBL1.ZIP 238,689 03-01-93 Sportcheck Baseball Edition 1993Installation Disk #1
SCBASBL2.ZIP 309,240 03-01-93 Sportcheck Baseball Edition 1993Installation Disk #2
SCROLLZ2.ZIP 263,124 04-22-93 ScrollZ 2.00; A great way to track all ofyour printed matter; be it Magazines, ComicsBooks, Graphic Novels, Newspapers, ANYTHING!Input screens designed with specific needs imind. Even a NoteZ section for recording yo
SGAMB16.ZIP 340,765 01-01-94 SMART GAMBLER v1.6; Tired of losing? SmartGambler is for people who play to win! Theunique program that gives strategies forchoosing the best casinos, money management,odds, improving luck and all of the populargame
SIGHT_SD.ZIP 94,660 04-28-93 Sight And Sound Movie Cataloger
SND202.ZIP 187,689 11-10-93 SoundMasterDb 2.02s; The best audio librariaavailable. Handles all audio formats (CD'sCassettes, Albums etc) through its advancedrelational database design. Nine reports,sixindexes, lists to screen, printer or disk
SNDZ311.ZIP 282,575 04-22-93 SoundZ 3.11; The ULTIMATE audio librarianhandles tapes, CDs, 45s,LPs,78s, and reels.UNLIMITED tunes per side, standard headerinfo PLUS a text file for each title of up t5000 lines. Prints lists, catalogs, insertsla
SPRTCD20.ZIP 177,902 07-18-93 4Collectors SportsCards v2.0; Features:Select from eight predefined types or add upto four of your own; Tracks how much you paifor each card/set; Add comments about eachcard/set; An On-Line manual; Shows totalnumber
SUDS22.ZIP 285,574 11-26-93 Suds 2.2 beer program for brewers.
SVSUPPLY.ZIP 9,911 10-19-93 A list of suppliers; guns, ammo, survivalequip, food and information..
SWIMDB21.ZIP 302,120 07-15-93 SWIMBASE v2.04; Swim team data base manager.Take complete control of your swim team withthis easy to use, menu and form drivenprogram. All the swimmers' personal data isstored along will all event, meet and seasonre
THORO44.ZIP 152,180 06-22-93 Cambridge Thoroughbred HandiCApper v4.4;Sharewares favorite handicapper makes it easto analyze races and helps pick winners atthe track. Features: full-race handicapping,point-and-shoot updating, speed rating, tracv
TRTR31.ZIP 313,428 09-08-93 TROOP TRACKER v3.1; Menu-driven program whicstores roster, participation, Unit offices,Badges earned. Produces Scout, Patrol andScouter rosters, and a roster of FormerMembers, 3 types of mailing labels, anindividual
TTFRG20.ZIP 225,036 08-13-93 The Tropical Fish Reference Guide v2.0 FishLibrary with 400+ entries; Plant library wit90 entries; Color coded index menu; Diseaselibrary; Notepad to create your own records;Search mode, and much more.
TURFV93.ZIP 136,768 01-30-94 Turf .v93-1.00: Thoroughbred handicappingsystem that combines sound, well-establishedrace handicapping principles with scientificstatistical analysis methodology, applied toyears' worth of actual race data, to create
VCATDOS.ZIP 135,215 05-28-93 VIDEOCAT is a shareware program forcataloging a videocassette collection and isavailable in DOS, Windows and OS/2 editions.
VIC20.ZIP 96,002 08-01-93 Victory thoroughbred handicapper version 2.0Based upon principles from 'total victory atthe track' by William Scott. Uses PCR, formchecks and ability times to spot winners.
VIDM811.ZIP 258,630 04-22-93 VideoMaster v8.11; Video cataloging &labeling system that has the MOST flexibilitfor users. Standard entries, 3 user definednamed fields, plus a Synopsis of up to 500lines. 5 label styles/sizes. Prints catalogl
VLB402.ZIP 273,151 12-31-93 Video Librarian v4.02; Easy-to-use menudriven program that quickly organizes andmaintains any size video library. Contextsensitive help, pop-up pick list for dataentry. Holds all the right info about yourmovies. Pri
VPTUTOR.ZIP 102,429 03-07-94 Video Poker Tutor v3.02; Teaches expert playof the casino game of video poker.
WP11.ZIP 321,674 11-22-93 WILD PITCH! v1.1; Baseball simulation thatallows you to test your skills as a bigleague skipper. Select lineups, pitchers,steal bases, bunt, hit and run, etc. Viewtons of stats any time! Expanded boxscore,detailed s
ZIDCAR31.ZIP 130,837 05-06-93 ZideCar 3.11; An add on program forSoundZ.Works with SoundZ' files to help userfind fillers for tapes & helps users totaltimes on tapes.BUT its biggest strength liesin allowing to the user to pick & choseentries to